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Fortify or Fall: Mastering Base Camp Survival in Z1 Battle Royale

One of the earliest stand-alone battle royale games, H1Z1, debuted in 2015 and attracted over 1.5 million players by the middle of 2016. It has a unique place in the genre’s history, but in the gamers’ hearts too. Yet in just two years from that, a severe decline in players forced the game’s creator, Daybreak Games, to rename it as “Z1 Battle Royale” (Z1BR) in a last-ditch effort to remain relevant. For those who are passionate about the game, there are still some elements that must be mastered in order to succeed, such as base camp survival.
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  • The first moment of Z1 Battle Royale, when you have to survive, is when you’re in the base camp, and that’s the excitement the game has inherited from the old H1Z1.
  • Without finding the most appropriate camp location and mastering the basics of building a Z1 Battle Royale base camp, your survival in the game will be reduced to a minimum.
  • In Z1 Battle Royale, headshots are almost always lethal, so being able to defend your head well in the base camp is essential to surviving shootouts and sniper fire.

It’s 2015, and you’re playing H1Z1, a standalone battle royale game that was originally released that year and is now known as Z1 Battle Royale. While the corpse of the player you just killed screams, “I hope you die of AIDS”, you still don’t realize that you just witnessed the moment of playing a legendary title from the genre. As a result of the game’s popularity, Daybreak Games and Twin Galaxies, a social media network and video game database, partnered to create the H1Z1 Pro League, a long-running, professional eSports league for the game in 2017.

For a while, up until the game’s division into H1Z1: Just Survive and H1Z1: King of the Kill, H1Z1 was providing players with a sense of urgency, excitement, and a real motivation to care about surviving—a feature that many conventional and careless survival modes of battle royale games from a decade ago have failed to deliver. The fact that the game has had several names that were frequently used interchangeably due to a convoluted past and multiple developer changes led to a situation in which the name conventions used by H1Z1 eSports betting sites may be a little puzzling to newbies. The same H1Z1 bookmakers that used to provide H1Z1 betting still do, but they simply offer to bet on the game, presenting a few confusingly different names.

The first moment of the game when you have to survive is when you’re on the base location, or base camp if you’d rather, and that’s the game excitement Z1 Battle Royale has inherited from the old H1Z1.

The following are some pointers and strategies for making it through the Z1 Battle Royale base camp:

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# 1 Base Camp Location

The map’s margins are by far the safest location for you to establish a Z1 Battle Royale base camp. Players run the chance of discovering even the most isolated and remote locations in the midst of the map when they happen to stumble upon them while traveling from point A to point B. Everything relies on how frequently you intend to defend or fix stuff. Choosing an extremely secluded and covert place has the drawback of requiring a longer run (or drive) to transport the booty back to begin accumulating a stockpile. To ensure convenient access to water, choose a location close to a natural water supply, such as a lake or river. As food and other necessities are frequently found there, abandoned campsites make excellent starting locations.

Wood is necessary if you want to build something. As a result, the axe is maybe the most crucial tool at first in the game, but sadly, it’s quite heavy. The tool can only be carried in your hand at first; it can’t be placed in your inventory. Your three equipment slots are rapidly filled with a flashlight, bow, and axe; additional items like a hammer, machete, or knife can’t be added. It would be advisable to add your flashlight to your inventory if you still find yourself in need of a new item. Compared to the massive things that fit in the equipment slots, it occupies a substantially smaller amount of space.

These are the basics of building a base camp:

  • Laying the foundation. Deck foundations are the first real building blocks of base construction, which can be done using logs, planks, nails, and brackets.
  • Securing your platform. After laying your foundation, the first items you should build are a gate and a few walls, or a big shelter, to prevent anyone from entering your foundation platform. Make them out of metal.
  • Securing storage. One easy technique to close off the remaining stair-side access to your platform is with metal walls.
    When you master the basics, you can move on to the advanced engineering of a camp base.
  • Blueprint map-out. It can be challenging to arrange intricate upper-level modules, so if you’re going to construct something more intricate and/or specialized, we strongly suggest drawing out a building design before you begin assembling your bottom level.
  • Stairs and access points. Take great care when positioning your structure’s stairs to avoid blocking shelter doorways and other such areas. Keep an eye out for any outside steps as well as any adjacent cars, structures, or other items that can provide access to your base from the outside.
  • Bridges and overhangs. Large shelters (on both the base and upper levels) may overhang off the edge of your foundation. Make the most of this to optimize your available area, or do more creative utilities, such as crossing over to a nearby rooftop that has been generated by a map.Finally, there’s functional outfitting. To spare yourself some time and bother, outfit your foundation with a few accessories for comfort and convenience.
  • The station for crafting. A crafting station with several nearby tools and containers can serve as a genuine one-stop shop for all of your crafting needs because players can craft with proximity goods. A dew collection, furnace, barbecue, and ground stash should all be situated sufficiently enough to one another so that you may retrieve items from any of them without having to move.
  • Perimeter defense. When determining how to best put up perimeter defenses, you should take into consideration your terrain and surrounding environment. While there are many ways to accomplish this, barbed wire and punji sticks are two of the simplest and most practical. You can set up landmines and IEDs as wonderful surprises for anybody who might figure out your design’s real vulnerabilities.
As food and other necessities are frequently found there, abandoned campsites make excellent starting locations.Choosing an extremely secluded and covert place requires a longer run (or drive) to transport back
The map’s margins are by far the safest location for you to establish a base campAxe is maybe the most crucial tool at first in building something, but sadly, it’s quite heavy and can’t be placed in your inventory.

# 2 Loot Priorities

After discarding your parachute and locating the most suitable camp base, begin looking for things right away, especially if you’ve fallen into a crowded area. This means that as soon as you launch the game, your goal should be to quickly take control of a camp base while concentrating on finding armor and weaponry.

Initially, you should grab a gun and some ammunition. Later on in your Z1 Battle Royale adventure, you should have a backup weapon you can use in place of reloading because it’s quicker and will come in handy numerous times. You may need to search a few homes and shops in order to locate whatever you’re seeking because weapons and equipment are sporadically positioned throughout the buildings.

Rifles like the AR-15 are better suited for long-range battles, while shotguns are best for close-quarters fighting. Below are kings of the kill weapons:

Primary weapons

  • AR-15. Because of its low recoil, a single-fire assault rifle chambered in. 223 rounds is ideal for long-range confrontations.
  • AK-47. If you can control it, a full-auto assault rifle with a strong recoil and 7.62×39 round capacity works incredibly well in tight spaces.
  • 12GA Pump Shotgun. With each shell, a 12-gauge Buckshot shell of ammunition deals massive amounts of damage, making it the ideal close-quarters killer. When you’re in a building scavenging for supplies, switch to this.
  • .308 Hunting Rifle. Everyone wants a gun with 308 rounds of ammunition. Regretfully, an airdrop only allows you to take one. Since it’s the only scoped weapon in the game, whoever wields it has an instant edge over other players.


  • R380. The weaponry with .380 rounds of ammunition is only slightly more effective than melee. Its small clip size and minimal damage are its problems. Picking it up is only worthwhile if there isn’t anything better around.
  • M1911A1. If you must kill a wounded opponent or have not been able to locate a backup primary weapon, a.45-round ammunition can deal good damage.
  • .44 Magnum. The renowned hand cannon’s .44-round ammunition performs admirably in taking out targets. Its efficiency at range, with almost minimal bullet drop, makes it distinct from other pistols in the game. Not only is the .44 Magnum effective against cars, but you should be prepared to arm it as soon as you hear an ATV or car.
  • M9. An all-purpose sidearm with a sizable clip size, respectable close-range damage, and an amazing rate of fire is the 9mm round ammunition.
You can choose between various types of weaponsYou must begin looking for things right away as soon as you launch the game.
You can get a backup weapon you can use in place of reloadingWeapons and equipment are sporadically positioned throughout the buildings, so you may need to search a few homes and shops

# 3 Crafting Essentials

Crafting early on is important. Following the acquisition of firearms, you should get a backpack, i.e., by repurposing military backpacks, a minimum of two helmets, duct tape, and armor remnants to create essential goods like Makeshift Armor. During shootouts, armor lets you absorb damage and gives you a big survival advantage.

Next, proceed to get Tactical First Aid Kits and clothing, which you can rip to make extra Field Bandages to last you through several gunfights. You’re pretty much set if you have a good rifle, a self-healing tool, extra carry weight, and a pair of helmets. We must stress that making a self-healing tool is a flimsy concept that, unlike its sibling, Just Survive, which is a spin-off of H1Z1, never developed into a comprehensive crafting system and could’ve been removed with no repercussions.

Anyway, highlights of the main gear include Makeshift Armor, Procoagulant, and Laminated Tactical Body Armor:

  • Makeshift Armor. Although it won’t withstand as much damage as Laminated Tactical Body Armor, you should aim to manufacture it in almost every game because it adds a significant element to the gameplay. To create some Makeshift Armor, you’ll need four pieces of Composite Fabric, two Armor Scraps, and a roll of Duct Tape. Most houses have duct tape, you can acquire armor scrap by taking apart a helmet, and a tan military backpack can be used to shred composite fabric.
  • Procoagulant. If you can get any cover to use it properly, it’s crucial in close-quarters combat as it will quickly stop you from bleeding out. A single Tactical First Aid Kit and ten Field Bandages can be crafted into a tube of Procoagulant, or occasionally they can be found in military crates that are dropped by aircraft.
  • Laminated Tactical Body Armor. It’s one of the rarest and non-craftable pieces of equipment in the game, and it will provide you with a significant edge over other players in shootouts by absorbing body shots.
During shootouts, armor lets you absorb damage and gives you a big survival advantageLaminated Tactical Body Armor is a non-craftable piece of equipment, even though it provides you with a significant edge over other players in shootouts
You can rip Tactical First Aid Kits and clothing to make extra Field Bandages to last you through several gunfightsMaking a self-healing tool is a flimsy concept that never developed into a comprehensive crafting system

# 4 Helmets and Healing

Have a couple of helmets and first aid supplies on hand at all times. Field bandages and tactical first aid kits will get you through several skirmishes.

In Z1 Battle Royale, headshots are almost always lethal, so being able to defend your head well in the base camp is essential to surviving shootouts and sniper fire. In this game, there are no gear levels; a motorcycle helmet is just as vital as a military one, and it can withstand one assault rifle headshot before shattering. It’s advisable to always have a backup helmet with you in case your primary one breaks.

You must make use of the items in your locker for healing. For most, a blood bag and a surkit will work well. When on deployment, those shouldn’t be taken out unless you’re heading in with a squad, and you need to revive.

A motorbike helmet can withstand one assault rifle headshot before shatteringWhen on deployment, items in your locker for healing shouldn’t be taken out unless you’re heading in with a squad, and you need to revive.

# 5 Setup of a Campfire

Equipping a campfire with the proper tools is essential. Create a fire drill out of wood and cloth to start fires for cooking or water purification.

How do you obtain the tool for fire drilling? You’ve made a campfire, but you don’t know how to light the wood. Because it’s easy to create it for oneself, the fire drill tool is probably the best option here. Any campfire can be lit by simply combining a wood stick, a wood plank (which can be cut from a tree), and a piece of cloth. Just add a few wood sticks to the blaze, that’s all.

Occasionally, it seems that no matter what you use to start a campfire—flamers, lighters, or bow drills—they just won’t burn. But often, even though they might not show, some of them still cook. There’s just no animation to accompany it.

Making a campfire is easySometimes there’s no animation, even though the fire is set up

To Conclude

Battle royale is, at its core, designed to position and camp. Being the last person standing is the goal of any video game from this genre, not only Z1BR. You’re far more likely to be that player if you have a strong position in the base camp zone. Although some people do indeed hide in the wrong places, seizing a position of authority is generally a wise move.

Although there are other ways to succeed in Z1 Battle Royale, following these five beginner recommendations will make getting started—that is, surviving in the base camp—much easier.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why was H1Z1 renamed to Z1 Battle Royale?
Why is it important to have a great base camp situation when playing Z1 Battle Royale?
Which location on the map is the best for making a Z1 Battle Royale base camp?