A Beginner’s Guide: How to Bet on eSports

KEY TAKEAWAYS: Although eSports betting started out slowly, this (relatively) new kind of betting has become very popular in the last several years. Even though there are hundreds of leagues and tournaments held worldwide, it’s generally better to start by concentrating on the most popular...
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15 Best Sports Movies of All Time: Iconic Stories of Victory and Passion

KEY TAKEAWAYS: Regardless of your preference for sports or just excellent narrative, the best sports movies of all time from our list will enthrall you. Some of the greatest Hollywood actors, such as Stallone, De Niro, Cruise, and Will Smith, added their touch to the already heartwarming...
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An Analysis of the Most Competitive eSports Nations: The Top 10 Countries in the World by Earnings

KEY TAKEAWAYS: The total prize money won by players from each nation across different eSports tournaments determines the ranking of countries that made the most money from competitive gaming. Bigger countries and countries with bigger player bases don’t necessarily have greater eSports...
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MMA vs Boxing: Which Is Safer and More Suitable for Beginners?

KEY TAKEAWAYS: No matter what sport you decide to learn, MMA or boxing, you’ll have to accept a certain amount of danger, injury-wise. Whether you should pick MMA or boxing to satisfy your needs depends on your goal of embarking on combat sports. The availability of gyms in your neighborhood...
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